Nutritional Planning

Personal Assessment

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your health history, dietary preferences, and lifestyle. This information helps us understand your unique nutritional needs and goals

Grocery Shopping Guidance

We offer guidance on grocery shopping, helping you identify and select foods that match your blood type requirements. This includes tips on reading food labels and choosing the right ingredients

Nutritional Education

Throughout the process, we educate you about the principles behind the "Eat for Your Blood Type" theory and the potential benefits associated with it

Blood Type Analysis

Based on your blood type, we provide you with customized dietary recommendations. This includes foods that are considered beneficial, neutral, and foods to avoid for your specific blood type

Recipe Suggestions

We provide a variety of delicious and easy-to-follow recipes that adhere to your blood type guidelines. These recipes ensure that you enjoy flavorful meals while following your customized plan

Tailored Meal Plans

We create personalized meal plans that incorporate the recommended foods for your blood type. These meal plans are designed to be balanced, nutritious, and aligned with your dietary preferences

Regular Check-Ins

Our service includes regular check-ins to monitor your progress, answer your questions, and make any necessary adjustments to your meal plan as your needs evolve